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My parents are from Honduras. Throughout my life I visited Honduras. In our back yard we use to have a cashew tree. I love the fruit! I would always plead with my parents to send me on a visit to Honduras when the cashew fruit was in season. Well I am an adult now with responsibilites and can only go to Honduras when vacation time permits. Usually that is not the time when the cashew fruit is in season. Today my sister went to a function for cancer survivors (She is a breast cancer survivor).; samples of the jucie were being distributed. She asked me, "Lisa do you want juice." I told her "yes". She handed me this package that said "cashew fruit." I screamed in excitement. Quickly I opened the container. With every sip of that juice, each and every memory of my time spent in the backyard in Honduras around the cashew fruit tree came to life. This juice is delicious! It taste just like the fruit directly from the tree. I searched to see where I can find the juice both in New York and Atlanta. I will be purchasing a container soon! Your casherw fruit juice brought a beautiful, vivid, memory of me in my backyard in Honduras to life! Thank you.
- Lisa Velasquez
New York, NY
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